On the Skyhoundz web site we only list starting times and state that competitors must register 30 minutes prior to that time.
In addition, we do not list rain dates. We recommend that competitors contact you to confirm the date, time and location of your event two weeks prior to the contest.
If the date, time, or location changes for your event(s), please notify us ASAP so that we can update our materials and web site accordingly.
By clicking on the Agree button below, I acknowledge that I have read, am familiar, and will follow all the rules and requirements governing hosting the Skyhoundz competition(s), including, but not limited, to the following:
We leave it entirely up to our host organizations which additional sponsors they wish to include in their Skyhoundz events, but Hyperflite must be recognized as the official canine disc sponsor at all Skyhoundz competitions. Hosts or sponsors at our competitions are not permitted to provide competitors or spectators with the discs of other canine disc manufacturers. Should any of your sponsors wish to give away promotional discs at a Skyhoundz event, they should contact us and we will be happy to offer them competitive pricing on custom discs that bear their logos.
At all Skyhoundz competitions competitors are required to use genuine Hyperflite discs. Specific Skyhoundz disc-use rules can be found on the Event Rules tab in the Competition section of the Skyhoundz website.
At any Skyhoundz Qualifier that includes Freestyle (DiscDogathon/Skyhoundz Classic) Skyhoundz Hosts should strive to utilize a separate judge for each Freestyle scoring category whenever possible, but no less than three different judges are required.
While Skyhoundz event hosts are permitted to add additional Division/Class/Contests the day of their Skyhoundz events ie: Novice, Masters, Roller, etc., they are not permitted to hold any Division/Class/Contests which use non-Hyperflite discs.
You may elect not to receive the competition materials listed above, but payment of the host fee (if applicable) is required to host Skyhoundz competitions.
You also agree to provide and, in order to compete, require competitors to sign our official registration form (per the type of event you are hosting). Releases can be downloaded from our website under the competition tab. Releases serve to help protect both of our organizations.
Registrations for Skyhoundz competitions are subject to schedule availability and acceptance.