Hyperflite is a proud sponsor of the
Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship in
9/15-9/16/25 | DiscDogathon / Xtreme Distance | Camp Jordan | East Ridge, Tennessee
(Competitors must pre-qualify / Free for spectators — GENERAL INFO HERE)
9/20-9/21/25 | Skyhoundz Classic | Coolidge Park | Chattanooga, Tennessee
Melissa Petersen Eckerman & Tejas competing in the 2023 Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship Open Division.
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Attention DiscDogathon and Xtreme Distance World Championship competitors... Due to the growing numbers of competitors at our DiscDogathon & Xtreme Distance World Championships, we have decided to split up the events over two days as follows: Tuesday, September 16, 2025 DiscDogathon World Championship Bullseye, Spot Landing, and TimeTrial (Open & MicroDog) [DDAT field take precedence except during the XD Competitor Briefing] 8:30 am DD Competitor Briefing 9:00 am DD Competition Begins Xtreme Distance World Championship (Light & Unlimited with Women's and Men's Classes run separately) 9:30 am XD Competitor Briefing 10:00 am XD Competition Begins Wednesday, September 17, 2025 DiscDogathon World Championship (Freestyle & Pairs Distance/Accuracy) [DDAT field take precedence except during the XD Competitor Briefing] 8:30 am DD Competitor Briefing 9:00 am DD Competition Begins Xtreme Distance World Championship (MicroDog & Classic with Women's and Men's Classes run separately) 9:30 am XD Competitor Briefing 10:00 am XD Competition Begins
This is the first Chinese Crested I have seen playing the sport we all love! A great example that enjoyment of our sport is not limited to any specific breed or size.
Don't miss out on our huge Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale going on now through Wednesday, December 4, 2024! No coupon code required, just order from the Black Friday link here: https://skyhoundz.com/product-category/black-friday/ First come, first served, limited quantities available! Discs: K-10 Jawz disc Misprints for only $9.95 each. Pup Jawz disc Misprints for only $8.45 each. Pup FrostBite disc Misprints for only $2.95 each. 100 – K-10 Competition Standard disc Misprints for only $2.24 each ($224 total) includes shipping. 100 – Pup Competition Standard disc Misprints for only $1.85 each ($185 total) includes shipping. Collectable Discs: Early Skyhoundz World Championship K-10 Competition Standard discs for only $9.95 each. Ashley Whippet Collectable Competition Fastback discs for only $9.95 each. Ashley Whippet Commemorative Fastback discs for only $9.95 each. Please share this information so your friends/family won't miss out! Wishing you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday!
On the Skyhoundz World Record page, we just added links to all the Xtreme Distance World Records we have received video of. If you have video of any other Skyhoundz World Records, we will be happy to add them as well.
Nice article on the Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship!
Photos taken by Greg and Nancy Wolcutt at the Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship in East Ridge, Tennessee are now available here: https://walcuttsharpshots.pixieset.com/eastridgediscdogathoncoolidgeparkskyhoundzwcchatttn/ Coolidge Park photos are still being processed, but should be available soon.
We will have a small space at the Rescue Dog Games on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at Piedmont Park in Atlanta from 11 am-5 pm to promote the sport and will be offering the public free training and info. We are looking for any volunteers, regardless of your ability, who would like to participate with your dog(s) during the day. If you would like to participate, please contact me at prb@skyhoundz.com. https://www.facebook.com/RescueDogOlympics
We are pleased to announce the Skyhoundz Last Chance Qualifiers (LCQ) and Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship (WC) dates for 2025. CAMP JORDAN Monday, September 15, 2025 DD LCQ and XD LCQ Tuesday, September 16, 2025 DD WC and XD WC Wednesday, September 17, 2025 DD WC Thursday, September 18, 2025 Emergency Rain Date Coolidge Park Set-Up COOLIDGE PARK Friday, September 19, 2025 SC LCQ Saturday, September 20, 2025 SC WC Sunday, September 21, 2025 SC WC
On the Skyhoundz Store we have some '24 LCQ and WC T-shirts in most sizes and a handful of '23 LCQ and WC T-shirts in small sizes available for sale. https://skyhoundz.com/product/24-last-chance-qualifier-t-shirt/ https://skyhoundz.com/product/24-world-championship-t-shirt/ https://skyhoundz.com/product/23-last-chance-qualifier-t-shirt/ https://skyhoundz.com/product/23-world-championship-t-shirt/
Congratulations to Alex Stein and Ashley Whippet on the 50th anniversary of the Ashley Whippet Invitational! This event was the first series of disc dog competitions. I know many of today's disc dog competitors are new to the sport, but I had the chance to meet Alex when Ashley was at his peak. He was an extraordinary athlete—something you had to see in person to truly appreciate. Photos and videos don't capture his skill. There were moments when it seemed like he would miss the catch, only for him to surprise everyone and make an incredible grab. I feel privileged to have watched him perform live and to have thrown to him in various stadium shows. Thanks to their contributions, the sport has gained immense popularity and led to the formation of other organizations like Skyhoundz, UFO, USDDN, and UpDog. We should all be thankful for their hard work and dedication.
Skyhoundz Classic, Top Twenty Teams / Open Classic
We aren't done yet, but I have a quick update on today's XD field! Congratulations to Caitlyn Olvitt and GIR, who Q'd at the LCQ yesterday with a catch of 137.4', today set the MicroDog Women's World Record with a catch of 198'. And, she outthrew the MicroDog Men's winner! The previous MicroDog Women's record was 192' set by Jenelle Miller with Blink in 2019.
Results for the DiscDogaton and Xtreme Distance LCQs are now available on the Skyhoundz website. Awesome LCQs today but the day's highlight was Andrew Han's connection to Hype of 319.5' in Classic Plastic with an orange MaxQ Competition Standard disc. This was the first XD catch of over 100 yards in any division. Congratulations to them both! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
We are at Camp Jordan in the ‘24 Last Chance Q for Xtreme Distance and DiscDogathon.
Reminder for those who are planning on setting up their tents at Camp Jordan on Sunday: "Camp Jordan competitor tent set-up: This year (2024), an AKC dog racing event will take place the weekend before our event, concluding by 3 pm on Sunday. Consequently, the field setup on Sunday will be delayed (probably until 4 pm at the earliest), and competitors may only set up their tents after MAD Dogs' completes its activities and clears the competitor tent setup area. "After field set-up has been completed competitors will be allowed to set up their tents in authorized areas. Competitors will be able to set their tents up only after Skyhoundz officials Ray Lowman or Frank Montgomery give the OK to do so. Tents set up without permission, or in areas not authorized for tents, will be moved or removed." Thank you.
Just a reminder: "At all LCQs, the number of Q spots awarded, per competitor, will be the same as the number offered at Open Qualifiers (two per competitor plus any Pairs Distance/Accuracy or Pairs Freestyle earned). Please note: This rule modification does not affect the total number of Qs available at LCQs, just per-person limits." We welcome your input regarding next year's LCQ Qs rules.
Skyhoundz Last Chance Qualifier/World Championship Registration... Now that all the 2024 Skyhoundz Qualifiers have been completed, the deadline to register for all Skyhoundz LCQ/WCs is Sunday, August 18, 2024.
As Troy and Karen Burns won't be doing it this year, we are looking for volunteers to video or photograph the Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship on a non-exclusive basis. Commitment doesn't need to be for the entire event if you can only do one portion/event. Please message me if you are interested. Peter Bloeme UPDATE: Thank you to you all for your suggestions and volunteers. We are pleased to announce that Greg and Nancy Walcutt will be this year's staff photographers.
Own a limited edition piece of history with an official 2024 Hyperflite Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship commemorative yellow K-10 Competition Standard disc (with a holographic blue and black hot stamp). These discs are individually numbered (on the back) with a limited quantity of 200 available. While supplies last. Designed by Aura Maria Moreno Sierra. https://skyhoundz.com/product/2024-hyperflite-skyhoundz-world-championship-disc/
Skyhoundz Last Chance Qualifier and World Championship registration is now open and will remain open through August 18, 2024. https://skyhoundz.com/last-chance-qualifier-and-world-championship-information/
Important Skyhoundz Competition Announcements... Rollers/Long Lines: The primary focus of the Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship series has always been two-fold: to honor disc dogs for catching flying discs and to encourage new participants to engage in the sport. We have frequently been asked whether novice disc dogs (regardless of their thrower's experience) are permitted in competition to chase rollers (a throw where the disc is rolled on the ground, not thrown in the air) to build confidence and experience in front of other dogs, people, and spectators. Additionally, we have been asked if they could participate with their dogs on a long line (a long leash). Our response has consistently been affirmative. To formalize this into a rule without conflicting with competitors vying for disc-catching awards, World Records, and World Championship Qualifier slots, we will allow individuals who believe this would benefit their dogs to compete by throwing rollers (except in Freestyle) and/or participating with their dogs on a long line. The condition is that anyone choosing to do so must compete in an "Audit" class, understanding that they will not be eligible for awards, records, or Q slots. Furthermore, we advise all our hosts not to charge these competitors any fees to participate or, if they feel they must, charge them a minimal amount. Notwithstanding the above, due to the time constraints, no competitor will be accepted in any LCQ Audit class. Important World Championship announcements: Camp Jordan competitor tent set-up: This year, an AKC dog racing event will take place the weekend before our event, concluding by 3 pm on Sunday. Consequently, the field setup on Sunday will be delayed (probably until 4 pm at the earliest), and competitors may only set up their tents after MAD Dogs' completes its activities and clears the competitor tent setup area. DiscDogathon World Championship Schedule: If you have participated in the DiscDogathon World Championship in recent years, you are familiar with the high number of entries we receive, making it unfeasible to complete the event all on Wednesday (under optimal weather conditions). While there are several ways we could reduce the number of entries, currently, as the Xtreme Distance World Championship held the day before (Tuesday) is considerably less crowded, we will conduct all DiscDogathon Bullseye, Spot Landing, and TimeTrial competition rounds on that day. Nevertheless, the Xtreme Distance World Championship contest will maintain priority regarding the running order. Camp Jordan World Championship Schedule Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Xtreme Distance – World Championship (All Divisions) 7:45 am XD Competitor Briefing 8:00 am XD Competition Begins DiscDogaton – Bullseye, Spot Landing, and TimeTrial (Open & MicroDog) 9:15 am DD Competitor Briefing 9:30 am DD Competition Begins Wednesday, September 11, 2024 8:00 am — DD Competitor Briefing 8:30 am — DD Competition Begins DiscDogathon – Freestyle & Pairs Distance/Accuracy (Open & MicroDog)
Troy & Karen Burns who photographed and videotaped the 2023 World Canine Disc Championship, are offering a discount on all remaining items. For the next week only, all picture packages and videos are only $17.50 each. If you are interested do not delay. Once they clean out their server they will be gone for good! ______________________________________________________ Previous post info—We are pleased to announce that photos and videos from the Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship Open MicroDog, Open Youth, Open Divisions, and Pairs Freestyle are now available (Saturday/Sunday-Main Field) through Troy and Karen Burns' website, Karen Images. The photos and/or videos are being offered at an incredible price without any copyright limitations to help you lead others into participating in the sport. Skyhoundz and Hyperflite support their efforts to share the sport, and we hope you will too! You can learn more by visiting
One of our many great competitors looking for a little non-disc support. https://americasfavpet.com/2024/stacey-848a?fbclid=IwAR3KDXIFVNqUWBHIVreGXIjKVbEYTuApbgf9_u9kmw2rG3RaCNGkGZd51l0